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Updates an environment by name



Given an environment by name updates the environment with the given payload. Note that name, enabled and protected cannot be changed by this API


Path Parameters

    name stringrequired


    type string

    Updates the type of environment (i.e. development or production).

    sortOrder integer

    Changes the sort order of this environment.


    name stringrequired

    The name of the environment

    Example: my-dev-env
    type stringrequired
    Example: development
    enabled booleanrequired

    true if the environment is enabled for the project, otherwise false.

    Example: true
    protected booleanrequired

    true if the environment is protected, otherwise false. A protected environment can not be deleted.

    Example: true
    sortOrder integerrequired

    Priority of the environment in a list of environments, the lower the value, the higher up in the list the environment will appear. Needs to be an integer

    Example: 3
    projectCount integernullable

    The number of projects with this environment

    Example: 10
    apiTokenCount integernullable

    The number of API tokens for the project environment

    Example: 6
    enabledToggleCount integernullable

    The number of enabled toggles for the project environment

    Example: 10

Authorization: Authorization

name: Authorizationtype: apiKeyin: headerdescription: API key needed to access this API
curl -L -X PUT '<your-unleash-url>/api/admin/environments/update/:name' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: <API_KEY_VALUE>' \
-d '{
"type": "string",
"sortOrder": 0
Request Collapse all
Base URL
— pathrequired
Body required
  "type": "string",
  "sortOrder": 0

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